Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Who To See in Brighton in August 2014

There is always so much going on in Brighton that it can be difficult to choose what to go and see and easy to miss some of the great local and visiting talents in the city. With that in mind, here is a list of gigs that I will be going to this month and why I think you should come along too!

Weds 6th August

Harvest Sun Presents: House of Hats and Will and the People - Komedia - 8pm - £12 otd

Isn't it great when great bands become great friends? This gig is a great combination of two such bands. House of Hats are a folk outfit based in Brighton, recently returned from their first tour of the US. Their debut album 'This Love' is "diverse, unified by the superb production, a lovelorn and sombre tone and a kaleidoscope of the colours from the spectrum of folk." Read my full review of it here.

Will and the People are a mad-hatter pop-ska quartet whose animated performances and catchy tunes will please everyone from your younger siblings to your parents (my parents actually saw them playing at Paddle Round The Pier this year and told me how much they liked them, unaware that I had already seen them previously and interviewed them.) Check out my interview with them here.


Weds 13th August

Brighton Film Quartet - The Brunswick - 8pm - £5

Showcasing the music of pianist/composer Penny Loosemore with the help of her quartet, comprising of piano, clarinet, violin and cello. The quartet have a residency at The Grand Hotel and perform at a number of private hire functions such as weddings, corporate events and the like, so why not take this opportunity to have a nice relaxing evening listening to some beautiful music in the lovely setting of the candle-lit saloon at The Brunswick.


Friday 15th August

One Inch Badge Presents: Chris Simmons - Komedia Studio Bar- 7:30pm - £7 adv

Melodic finger-picked guitar and soothing vocals go hand in hand for local singer-songwriter Chris Simmons. Coming to the end of a very busy summer, Chris has performed at Glastonbury as well as a string of dates across Europe, which gained him a lot of media attention in the foreign presses. Don't miss out on a rare hometown show.


Mon 18th August

Cut The Funk - Komedia - 8:30pm - £8

Ironically named, Cut The Funk are doing everything but cutting the funk from their set as they play their own special brand of jazz funk. Having collectively performed with a host of giant names including Chaka Khan, Ben E. King and Imelda May and being touted by Jazz Fm as "A Breakthrough Act" on the Ronnie Scott's Jazz Show, you'll want to catch the on the Brighton leg of their current UK tour this month.


Thursday 21st August

Catfish & The Bottlemen - The Haunt - 7:30pm - SOLD OUT

Unbeknown to me, Catfish & The Bottlemen formed just a stone's throw away from my University city of Bangor in Llandudno, North Wales' equivalent to Eastbourne, a lovely seaside town with a quaint promenade, beautiful architecture and busy tourist trade (and a pier - it's still there!). Their debut album 'The Balcony' is out September 15th and is available to pre-order right now through their website. The tour has been selling out across the country so these guys are definitely doing something right. With rock and indie flavours to their music, they are easy to listen to and even easier to like.
Support from one of my local favourites, Beautiful Boy, who featured in my Fresh Top Picks for April blog, here. Show up early as you don't want to miss these guys either! Sure to be a fantastic night!


Friday 22nd August

QM Records Presents: Normanton Street, St Longplayer, Tommy Sissons and Fifi Dewey - Green Door Store - 7:30pm - Free Entry

Busy bees Normanton Street are hosting this night of great local music, showcasing their diverse range of side projects from drummer Rob Dylan Thomas' new production project St Longplayer to the collaboration with local upcoming beat-poet Tommy Sissons, who's confident performances at The Mesmerist and Elgin Bar in London over the last few weeks have shown a promise of longevity to his work.


Fri 22nd - Sat 23rd August

IAN PRICE ALL DAY BENEFIT GIGS - The Verdict - 1pm - £20 minimum donation per day

A special two-day event at Verdict Jazz Club, raising money to help support local jazz musician Ian Price who is seriously ill. Each day starts at 1pm with 5 acts playing. Friday's line-up includes Bobby Wellins Quartet, Julian Nicholas Quartet, Frank Harrison Group, Remi Harris' Gypsy Jazz and Alan Barnes Quartet. Saturday's line-up includes Geoff Simkins Quartet, Terry Seabrook's Org, Mark Bassey Quintet, Sara Oschlag/Dan Sheppard and Art Themen Quartet. For barely more than the price of a glass of wine at Ronnie Scott's, come down and help support the local music scene as well as one of its patrons.


Thurs 28th August

Wayward Daughter - The Hope - 8pm - £4 advance/ £5 on the door

With a name that sounds like how an overbearing father would describe his free-thinking female offspring, Wayward Daughter are an acoustic duo whose songs range from indie originals to pop covers. Formed in 2012, Lydia McAllister and Becky East gained their following through a wide range of cover songs which they uploaded to YouTube, which helped to gain them a support slot for McFly. Join them for an evening of unplugged acoustic fun. With support from Flight Brigade and Yossarian.


For more updates of local music reviews, articles and interviews, follow my blog or follow me on twitter @tomsayeruk.

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