Saturday, 23 August 2014

Six Sexy Songs for Summer

As ever the local talent in and around Brighton is booming this summer, and shows no signs of relenting as the beach BBQ days are coming to a close. Here are six of my favourite recently released tracks from local artists. Check them out and if you like, check out their websites/social media and catch them live if you can. Keep music live and alive.

Chris Simmons - When The Walls Come Down

Chris is a Brighton singer-songwriter who is currently on the closing legs of his tour throughout the UK this August, which included a performance in his hometown at Komedia on 15th August, with support from Ellie Ford and Staniford. He performed a great stripped back solo version of this track at the gig. Here it in all its produced glory here with a great cello part! The track is out 15th September on itunes and is available to pre-order now here, with the b-side 'Accelerate' available for immediate download. Only £1.79 so if you like it, buy it!


Sabrina Gunston - All The Nothing

At the start of what will hopefully be a long and fruitful musical career, Sabrina is an 18-year-old singer from Brighton with a voice that already stops people in their tracks. Quite new to the gigging scene, she has already played successful shows with Normanton Street in their QM Sessions and supported Jamie Mathias this summer.With a strong set of original tracks, you will want to keep a close eye for her upcoming gigs in Brighton over the next few months. Check out her soulful r'n'b original track, All The Nothing.


Half Crown - Electric

I first saw Half Crown at Brighton Dome, supporting Rizzle Kicks in March 2013. In the last year and a half, the band have gone from strength to strength, with the release of their debut album 'Everything Goes' this summer. Read my review of the album here. Opening with a Foster The People style riff, the song is as rocky as Palm of Your Hand is funky. The vocals are raspy and rough but in a good way, and the electric guitar solo and middle-8: "I'm just a couple of watts, short of what you need" are fantastic, with a real gutsy oomph behind it. A really catchy chorus too: "They say you're electric so I can't touch you babe"
 "Half Crown remind me of an early Kooks, but just a little bit cooler!"

Makeeng - Cool Down (ft. Heeni

Recently moving to near Brighton after years of making music in Bristol and London, Flip Giles (aka Heeni) is a singer who is starting to lay some roots in her new city. With a wide range of performance experience including singing for a number of bands for summer festivals across the UK and busking her way across Europe, Heeni must be doing something right! She has guested vocals on a number of tracks and is on the look out for producers and potential bandmates at the moment, so if you're digging her stuff, then get in touch. This track, Cool Down by Producer Makeeng, is a smooth blend of jazzy hip-hip and is the perfect track for a lazy afternoon.


Beautiful Boy - But You Do

A fantastic local band that I keep seeing all over the place. Having recently seen them support Slow Club at Sticky Mike's and just this week, the sold out Catfish & The Bottlemen gig at The Haunt, they seem to get better with each show, and the standard is set very high to start with. Following on from their debut single 'Home/Love Me More', the band are working on their new single as you read this! It's quite unbelievable that they only formed last year! The new EP is sure to be a smash, with their reputation for catchy upbeat songs, great live performances and sell-out shows already proceeding them! Have a listen to my favourite of their tracks to date.

New Street Adventure - Nobody Wants You When You're Down And Out (Live)

New Street Adventure is a new wave soul group based in London. Lead singer and songwriter Nick Corbin, originally from Uckfield, takes a heavy influence from a comprehensive upbringing of soul music which he was rasied on (his dad Adrian runs a Northern Soul radio show on Uckfield FM). Playing regularly across London including a number shows at the famous 100 Club, hopefully NSA will come down to Brighton for a show soon. Signed to Acid Jazz, New Street Adventure will be releasing their forthcoming debut album in October. Check out the live version of their recent track below.

For more reviews interview and features, subscribe to my blog or follow me on twitter @tomsayeruk

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Luke Sital-Singh - The Fire Inside - Album Review

After seeing Luke Sital-Singh perform for the first time last month at Latitude Festival I did a little digging and found three pieces of good news: Firstly he was coming to Brighton to perform in September; secondly he had just released a collection of cover songs that he recorded from his favourite films (including great tracks by The Shins, Simon and Garfunkel and the like); and finally his debut out was due for release soon (OUT NOW).

For those of you in Brighton, or elsewhere that he is playing in his UK tour, I would strongly urge you to have a listen to his music and if it's your cup of tea then get on down to a show near you! It's really important to support emerging artists at the early stages of their career and to support your local music scene too. The venues aren't massive and the ticket prices aren't in the hundreds so why not have a great night out for around a tenner! For the Brightonians amongst you, as well as Karima Francis who is supporting for the whole tour, we have local minstrel Jacko Hooper, whose debut EP 'For You' was released last month and is rather fantastic. Check out my review of it here of have a listen below.

Here is my track by track breakdown of his debut album, 'The Fire Inside', which is available to buy now on itunes for just £6.99.

1. Nothing Stays The Same - Opening with an "ooh" reminiscent of Ben Howard's 'The Wolves' without fear of imitation. With a simple melody and uplifting chorus (which when played live at Latitude was with the backing of London Contemporary Voices) the first track has the passion of Frank Turner and astute relatable lyrics which show that his view of the world is a keen one:

 "Let your guard down
Get your heart pounded
We all bleed
We all breathe
And nothing stays the same"

2. Greatest Lovers - The chorus effect on the guitar at the start sounds slightly 80s/90s, like a Chris Isaak or The Smiths intro. In a music scene filled with introspective shoegazing self-deprecating acoustic folk, it is very refreshing to have an uplifting track, even moreso one that sounds like an uptempo Damien Rice track (in fact I can imagine him doing a down-beat version which would be equally great).

3. Bottled Up Tight - This song is a bit of a dark horse. It starts simply with a finger-picked guitar accompaniment and a soft vocal, remaining under the radar even in the first chorus: 

"I feel a fire, 
I see a flame set me alight,
Bring me desire bottled up tight" 
Then the drums and piano kick in and the song builds and builds for the last few minutes, moreso than your average construction site manages in a week.

4. 21st Century Heartbeat - A social commentary, unrestricted by location or social class, simply looking at the crazy world that we live in at the present, wherever we are on earth! 

5. Lilywhite - A touching piano ballad in the style of Billy Joel (more my parent's generation) or Fyfe Dangerfield, which once again builds and swells as it progresses organically. 

6. Nearly Morning - This track is like an un-Americanized version of a Secondhand Serenade track, with less sap and better lyrics. Once again the vocal layering in the backing sounds great - a good tip for any aspiring songwriters out there is to befriend a fantastic choir so you can replicate this live! The a cappella bit at the end could probably be drawn out a little longer, but maybe that's for the live shows!

7. I Have Been A Fire - Sparse to the point of almost a cappella, the vocals dominate this track like a Jeff Buckley song, with an almost Bon Jovi like rise in the chorus and when the distorted guitar enters after the second time around. Powerful stuff!

8. Everything Is Making You - Definitely getting a Starsailor vibe from this track, with maybe a bit of Travis thrown into the mix. Acoustic led with throaty vocals, underpinned by the percussion and backing vocals, this song will definitely come to life when played live.

9. Fail For You - Starting with a chorus of voices over a Buckley-esque reverbed clean electric guitar, the lush harmonies and emotive lyrics are sure to draw a few tears for those of a gentle disposition, in a post-breakup lull or who have seen too many charity adverts that day. In all seriousness, it is a beautiful track. Watch the official video below. 

"I bought you the sky and the oceans too
Why the look in your eye
The only thing I couldn't do
Is fail for you, fail for you"

10. We Don't Belong - Juxtaposing the softest track on the album so far with this upbeat almost-boogie piano led track, the album is never stagnant, jumping all over the place but not in a random uncontrolled way as many do. I can definitely see this song in a future Zach Braff film. Check out my review of the soundtrack to his current release "Wish I Was Here" here.

11. Cornerstone -Like a philosopher in the audience of Question Time, Luke's words definitely carry more weight than perhaps taken in at first listen, questioning himself as well as the others around him in this song: "Every life needs a cornerstone, and are you mine?"

12. Benediction - Closing the album on a somber note, in the vein of 'Fail For You', with this piano and vocal track, like a stripped back version of The Fray or a David Gray track. You can feel the album physically unwind, like when you take a hot bath after a long day at work. 

The album is a time-matured collection of his works so far, not rushed and not compromised. The production is excellent and the variety is impressive. The backing vocal arrangements are brilliant so kudos to whoever did those! Luke's songwriting is mature and charismatic without shouting for attention, and his vocal abilities should not be overlooked in this stunning paragon debut album. The future looks to be very bright for Luke from where I am looking.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Half Crown CD Review - Everything Goes LP

Half Crown have certainly come along way in the last year. Here is an extract from my review of their support slot for Rizzle Kicks at Brighton Dome in March 2013.

"The highlight of the supports for me was the main support Half Crown. Their mix of rap vocals with guitars, bass and drums provided a refreshing contrast to the previous acts, and the crowd seemed to be getting behind them too. The lead rapper was very charismatic and had an infectious energy which spread all across the band, which all seemed to be having the time of their lives on the stage. I am sure that the band has a promising future in music. It was nice to see some hip-hop without the hats."

'Everything Goes' is a diverse and collection of catchy well-produced songs, covering a wide range of styles from rock, pop, rap, indie and funk. 
The LP is available to buy from itunes here for £6.32 or pick up a copy at their upcoming gigs.

1. Palm of Your Hand

Opening with a cheeky and growling brass riff, reminding me of one of my old local favouries Two Spot Gobi, and vocals that are very much in the same vein as Will and The People, the LP starts very confidently, with excellent production and a really catchy opening track. Half Crown remind me of an early Kooks, but just a little bit cooler!

2. Electric

Opening with a Foster The People style riff, the song is as rocky as Palm of Your Hand is funky. The vocals are raspy and rough but in a good way, and the electric guitar solo and middle-8: "I'm just a couple of watts, short of what you need" are fantastic, with a real gutsy oomph behind it. A really catchy chorus too: "They say you're electric so I can't touch you babe".

3. Eyes of Diamond, Tears of Gold

Another funky upbeat and uptempo track, with lyrics spat out like a Waitrose customer with their dinner upon realizing that they've accidentally bought something from the Essentials range. Another cracking chorus after the thought-provoking pre-chorus "I want to believe, that we as individuals can be free".

4. Sync or Swim

The opening sounds like a cross between The Streets, Eminem's and Blink-182 (from their self-titled album) mixing spoken words with quite a dark sounding backdrop. Already just four tracks in, the LP covers a wide cross-section of musical styles, showing the diverse talent of their songwriting.

5. Rubber Ghost

More spacious and unsurprisingly ghostly, the vocals are very punchy, with the understated guitar and bass creating a nice textural contrast to the previous tracks. The different vocalists provide a deep mesh of call and response, harmonies and timbral variety to the track.

6. Wonderland

Great lyrics to this track!"Would you like some salt and vinegar with that chip on your shoulder? There's a time and a place to get off your face, and trust me mate I should know". A real urban social commentary that is usually associated with the likes of The Streets and Arctic Monkeys, delivered in a fresh way over this reggae backdrop. The song has lots of twists and turns and different sections. Half Crown certainly know how to piece together atypical song structures!

7. Mygrain

Starting with a fat bass-line and a psychedelic guitar lick, Mygrain has a raucous vocal almost in a glam rock style (just another genre to throw into these guys' influneces!). Glam rock rap: has that happened before? I can't think of anywhere I've heard it!

8. Rule #1

An exposed vocal and guitar start this track before the party starts with a funky riff and full band entering. The song seems to fit well with the opening track, bookending the LP with classic funk, and including the title lyric 'Everything goes', which is always good to hear. Check out the videos included and if it seems like your sort of thing then download the LP or go and catch them live soon.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Who To See in Brighton in September 2014

The kids are going back to school as summer's last legs have ebbed away into the bright colours and fallen leaves of Autumn. The sea is still just about warm enough for a dip and there are still a host of great gigs coming up! Here's who I am going to be seeing in September and why I think you should come along too!

Thursday 4th September

ONE INCH BADGE Presents: The Felice Brothers - Komedia - 7:30pm - £14.50

Formed back in 2006 when five friends, two of whom being Ian and James Felice, decided to get together and play some music, busking across New York City's subway stations. Their line-up previously included Simone Felice as well, who left the band in 2009 to pursue other projects, and released his first solo album this year, performing at Komedia back in April. The Felice Brothers are a folk rock band who have recently toured with Mumford & Sons and The Killers, as we as having appeared at a number of music festivals over the summer and are definitely one not to miss.


Friday 5th September

Kate Daisy Grant & Nick PynnThe Old Market - 8pm - £12/10

An album launch for Kate Daisy Grant's 'Portrait' AND a preview of new material from Nick Pynn's forthcoming album 'Waterproof'. A pair of multi-instrumentalists playing together ensures that there will be a great display of musical wonder, especially when Daisy lists her instruments including toy-piano, autoharp, dulcitone, cello, toy bells and teapot. Kate's award-winning songwriting is described as "haunting howl-ballads, twisted lullabies and joy-toy-pop", a combination that I've certainly never heard of before and am intrigued by as I am sure you all are! Nick Pynn's music is described as Electroacoustic Avant-Folk, which for those of you without a music degree means a lot of layers and  unusual twists and turns in the harmonies and melodies. As the winners of the Best Music Act Award of the Brighton Fringe and Festival in 2013, and a host of rave reviews from across the country, I am looking forward to seeing what this evening has in store!


Tuesday 9th September

ONE INCH BADGE Presents: Luke Sital-Singh - The Haunt - 7pm - £9

I saw Luke first time recently at Latitude Festival in Suffolk this summer and my friend and I were completely blown away by the talent of this guy. With a passion like Glen Hansard and Damien Rice dueling to the death, his songs are of the highest level of craft, with the use of the London Contemporary Voices Choir in some of his songs to give them a wonderful ethereal lift. His debut album 'The Fire Inside' is out 18th August and it's a real treat! Read my review of it here. Catch him live this September at Brighton's favourite coach station adjacent venue.With support from Karima Francis and Jacko Hooper. Read my review of his EP launch night here.


Thursday 11th September

Ben Montague - Komedia - 8pm - £10

Almost local music Ben Montague is a pop singer-songwriter from Farnborough in Kent. With a number of UK tours under his belt already, including supporting The Wanted and Lawson on a UK Arena tour as well as playing two headline UK tours in 2012 and being the main support in former Westlife Shane Filan's 2014 tour. Teaming up with Dan Gautreau, the producer of Ben Howard and Alicia Keys, Ben has been making some great new music, including his new single 'Feels Like Forever'. With his confident vocals, at times he sounds like a one-man-band version of Take That (in the best way- who doesn't like Take That?!) combining his instrumental abilities with strong vocal hooks in a feel good and catchy way. For fans of people who like bands from The Fray and Backstreet Boys to soloists like James Arthur and Sam Smith.


Friday 12th September

Cavaleri String Quartet: Strings Attached - The Old Market - 7:30pm - £15/ Free for under 25s

Having spent a lot of time working with string quartets whilst at University, including having a string quartet in residence for a year and having one of my pieces performed by The Mavron Quartet, it is fair to say that I have a soft spot for them! But for all you under 25s, there really is no reason not to check out the Cavaleri Quartet on the 12th September, as tickets for under 25s are free. This is a great idea and I fully encourage more classical acts to do the same, as it is very important to reach out to the younger audiences. The Cavaleri String Quartet have a wide repertoire from the classics of Beethoven and Haydn to more recent works, including brand new compositions, such as the David Dubery 'Observations'. With a host of international awards, whether you're familiar with string quartets or not, you should check out the Cavaleri Quartet for a night of something a little different.


Tuesday 16th September

LOUT Presents: Coasts - Komedia - 7:30pm - £8 advance
UPDATE: Rescheduled for Saturday 22nd November @ The Haunt

Formed in 2011 in Bristol, Coasts have pursued an independent path to their own success, steering clear of major record companies. My first reaction to hearing 'See How' was how the main vocals reminded me of Robbie Williams, both in terms of delivery and melody, which I think is a very positive comparison to make! Their underground athem "Oceans" has hints of Foals and The 1975 to it, with its upbeat singalong verses and euphoric chorus. Coasts have recently completed sell out UK/European tours and have a month long US tour lined up in October, so catch them in Brighton before they explode to greater fame in America. Support from Meadowlark and The New Union.


Thursday 18th September

Melting Vinyl Presents: Gruff Rhys - St. George's Church - 7pm - £18/16

Gruffydd Maredudd Bowen Rhys, it may shock you to learn, is not from these parts. Born in Pembrokeshire, Rhys is a composer, producer, film-maker, author, musician and all round top guy, probably best known for his role as a member of Super Furry Animals, a psychedelic and experimental rock group. Over his expansive career, Rhys has performed in many bands, including electro-pop outfit Neon Neon. In 2011 he won the Welsh Music Prize for his album 'Hotel Shampoo' and his latest album 'American Interior', released earlier this year, came accompanied with a film, book and mobile phone app, placing him well ahead of the bell curve in terms of innovative music releases. Check out his track 'Liberty (Is Where We'll Be)' below and see if he tickles your fancy!

Tuesday 23rd September

Melting Vinyl Presents: The Magic Numbers - St George's Church - 7:30pm - £19/17

Yes they are still here! The band who brought us the anthemic 2005 hit 'Forever Lost' are still alive and well and making music as good as ever! Their double-platinum self-titled debut album was followed with the modest success of 'Those the Brokes' in 2006 and the relative flop of their third album in 2010. But they are back with a new album 'Alias', which is out 18th August and from what has been put out there so far, it looks like they have picked up where the early records left off, taking their music to a rockier place, with an added boost of cool. In the new video (below) 'Shot In the Dark', the band are looking sharp and sounding sharper, with razor cut vocal harmonies and a clever arrangement.
It looks to me like The Magic Numbers are back on the up, so come and see for yourself in the beautiful setting of St. George's Church in Brighton.With support from Ren Harvieu.


Wednesday 24th September

Nell Bryden - Komedia - 8pm - £12

In support of her recent release 'Wayfarer', Nell Bryden is embarking on another UK tour, following the success of her previous two albums, diving deeper into the realms of rhythmic and electronic pop. Her vocals have been accurately described as reminiscent of Annie Lennox, with her uptempo songs already sounding like classics that have stood the test of time. For fans of The Jezabels and Erasure, this show is sure to be one to have a dance to, so make sure that you have comfy shoes on and bring the whole family (your parents will probably love it too!). With support from Ren Harvieu.


Thursday 25th September

Melting Vinyl Presents: Fear of Men - The Hope - 8pm - £9/ £7 advance

Returning from a busy summer, touring the US and Europe supporting Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Brighton band Fear of Men return to their hometown for a big show at The Hope this September. With the success of their debut album 'Loom', which was released earlier this year, and a well-oiled live show, this gig is sure to not disappoint the fans. With a name based on a rare-anxiety disorder, androphobia (fear of men) and lyrical themes of existentialism, introversion and mortality, FOM are not exactly what you'd call a run of the mill 3-piece! After reading a few reviews, part of me imagines that they must sound like a musical version of a conversation between Edgar Allen Poe and Alfred Hitchcock. And after reading the lyrics to 'Descent' I would say that is pretty accurate, but kinda cool too! Have a watch below and decide for yourself.


Tuesday 30th September

Folklore Sessions hosted by Jacko Hooper - The White Rabbit - 8pm - £FREE ENTRY

The first of what will hopefully be a long-running monthly series of free acoustic gigs, showcasing local songwriting talent in an intimate setting where the music and lyrics can be heard and appreciated for all that they're worth. The first session has a fantastic line up featuring friendly giant Staniford, fingerstyle guitarist Mark Ben Wilson, talented young songstress Bess Atwell and the host and architect of Folklore Sessions, Jacko Hooper. From 8pm - 11pm, it is sure to be a relaxing evening of beautiful music so why not come on down and ease the Tuesday madness with a drink and some great musical company?

'Elizabeth' by Staniford

'Nostalgia On the Shore' by Mark Ben Wilson

'A Thousand Lovers' by Bess Atwell

'Run Away With Me' by Jacko Hooper


For more updates of local music reviews, articles and interviews, follow my blog or follow me on twitter @tomsayeruk.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Who To See in Brighton in August 2014

There is always so much going on in Brighton that it can be difficult to choose what to go and see and easy to miss some of the great local and visiting talents in the city. With that in mind, here is a list of gigs that I will be going to this month and why I think you should come along too!

Weds 6th August

Harvest Sun Presents: House of Hats and Will and the People - Komedia - 8pm - £12 otd

Isn't it great when great bands become great friends? This gig is a great combination of two such bands. House of Hats are a folk outfit based in Brighton, recently returned from their first tour of the US. Their debut album 'This Love' is "diverse, unified by the superb production, a lovelorn and sombre tone and a kaleidoscope of the colours from the spectrum of folk." Read my full review of it here.

Will and the People are a mad-hatter pop-ska quartet whose animated performances and catchy tunes will please everyone from your younger siblings to your parents (my parents actually saw them playing at Paddle Round The Pier this year and told me how much they liked them, unaware that I had already seen them previously and interviewed them.) Check out my interview with them here.


Weds 13th August

Brighton Film Quartet - The Brunswick - 8pm - £5

Showcasing the music of pianist/composer Penny Loosemore with the help of her quartet, comprising of piano, clarinet, violin and cello. The quartet have a residency at The Grand Hotel and perform at a number of private hire functions such as weddings, corporate events and the like, so why not take this opportunity to have a nice relaxing evening listening to some beautiful music in the lovely setting of the candle-lit saloon at The Brunswick.


Friday 15th August

One Inch Badge Presents: Chris Simmons - Komedia Studio Bar- 7:30pm - £7 adv

Melodic finger-picked guitar and soothing vocals go hand in hand for local singer-songwriter Chris Simmons. Coming to the end of a very busy summer, Chris has performed at Glastonbury as well as a string of dates across Europe, which gained him a lot of media attention in the foreign presses. Don't miss out on a rare hometown show.


Mon 18th August

Cut The Funk - Komedia - 8:30pm - £8

Ironically named, Cut The Funk are doing everything but cutting the funk from their set as they play their own special brand of jazz funk. Having collectively performed with a host of giant names including Chaka Khan, Ben E. King and Imelda May and being touted by Jazz Fm as "A Breakthrough Act" on the Ronnie Scott's Jazz Show, you'll want to catch the on the Brighton leg of their current UK tour this month.


Thursday 21st August

Catfish & The Bottlemen - The Haunt - 7:30pm - SOLD OUT

Unbeknown to me, Catfish & The Bottlemen formed just a stone's throw away from my University city of Bangor in Llandudno, North Wales' equivalent to Eastbourne, a lovely seaside town with a quaint promenade, beautiful architecture and busy tourist trade (and a pier - it's still there!). Their debut album 'The Balcony' is out September 15th and is available to pre-order right now through their website. The tour has been selling out across the country so these guys are definitely doing something right. With rock and indie flavours to their music, they are easy to listen to and even easier to like.
Support from one of my local favourites, Beautiful Boy, who featured in my Fresh Top Picks for April blog, here. Show up early as you don't want to miss these guys either! Sure to be a fantastic night!


Friday 22nd August

QM Records Presents: Normanton Street, St Longplayer, Tommy Sissons and Fifi Dewey - Green Door Store - 7:30pm - Free Entry

Busy bees Normanton Street are hosting this night of great local music, showcasing their diverse range of side projects from drummer Rob Dylan Thomas' new production project St Longplayer to the collaboration with local upcoming beat-poet Tommy Sissons, who's confident performances at The Mesmerist and Elgin Bar in London over the last few weeks have shown a promise of longevity to his work.


Fri 22nd - Sat 23rd August

IAN PRICE ALL DAY BENEFIT GIGS - The Verdict - 1pm - £20 minimum donation per day

A special two-day event at Verdict Jazz Club, raising money to help support local jazz musician Ian Price who is seriously ill. Each day starts at 1pm with 5 acts playing. Friday's line-up includes Bobby Wellins Quartet, Julian Nicholas Quartet, Frank Harrison Group, Remi Harris' Gypsy Jazz and Alan Barnes Quartet. Saturday's line-up includes Geoff Simkins Quartet, Terry Seabrook's Org, Mark Bassey Quintet, Sara Oschlag/Dan Sheppard and Art Themen Quartet. For barely more than the price of a glass of wine at Ronnie Scott's, come down and help support the local music scene as well as one of its patrons.


Thurs 28th August

Wayward Daughter - The Hope - 8pm - £4 advance/ £5 on the door

With a name that sounds like how an overbearing father would describe his free-thinking female offspring, Wayward Daughter are an acoustic duo whose songs range from indie originals to pop covers. Formed in 2012, Lydia McAllister and Becky East gained their following through a wide range of cover songs which they uploaded to YouTube, which helped to gain them a support slot for McFly. Join them for an evening of unplugged acoustic fun. With support from Flight Brigade and Yossarian.


For more updates of local music reviews, articles and interviews, follow my blog or follow me on twitter @tomsayeruk.

Friday, 1 August 2014

What's On in Brighton & Hove: Friday 1st August - Thursday 7th August


Brighton & Hove's Definitive What's On Guide


Friday 1st August

Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'
For one night only, Chamber Opera Chicago will be performing Barbara Landis' adaptation of the classic Jane Austen novel, fully staged with music of the era, Regency costumes and world-champion Irish dancers.
7:30pm, £12/10 
T.O.M - 11a Upper Market Street, BN3 1AS

A showcase of Brighton's best female fronted performers raising money for the local charity Allsorts Youth Project. featuring Beatnik Horrors, BRAATS, Fish Hook and AMITY.
7pm, £4/3 before 8pm
Green Door Store - Unit 2,3&4 Trafalgar Arches,BN1 4FQ

Saturday 2nd August

Pride Festival
Wave your rainbow flags high in the air as Brighton Pride takes over the city for the day, with the Parade starting on Madeira Drive at 11am and a full day's music festival starting 12pm at Preston Park.
All day
Throughout Brighton

Teen Creeps All-dayer
Give It A Rest-ival. A day of live music, bbq, drinks and djs to finish. Perfect for a lazy Saturday.
3pm, £5 
Green Door Store - Unit 2,3&4 Trafalgar Arches, BN1 4FQ

Fresh Like Dexie
Lout's weekly Brighton Rocks presents a varied line up this week, headlined by neo-funk outfit Fresh Like Dexie, who were on top form at Love Supreme festival last month.
7pm, £4 
Sticky Mike’s Frog Bar - 9-12 Middle Street, BN1 1AL

Fresh Like Dexie

Sunday 3rd August

Sussex Jazz Orchestra
Sussex Jazz Orchestra (SJO) is a 20 piece big band based in Brighton formed in 1986. The band is a mix
of seasoned professionals and student performers play a wide repertoire of original compositions and contemporary jazz.
7:30pm, £4/2
Brunswick - 1 Holland Road, BN3 1JF

Krater Comedy Club
Why not round off your weekend with an evening of comedy from Brighton's finest comedy club, with special reduced prices for August and a fantastic line-up as always.
8pm, £9/£6 conc/£3 NUS &16-25s
Komedia - 44-47 Gardner Street, BN1 1UN

Monday 4th August

The Delta Bell
The lone whiskey-soaked soul of Kate Gerrard’s voice carries timeless songs of love, loss and redemption over a landscape of guitars, piano, pedal steel, harmonium and strings. Songs sweep from tender, intimate arrangements to warm orchestration and gospel harmonies.
8pm, £3 online/£4 adv and £5 otd
Latest Music Bar - 14-17 Manchester St, BN2 1TF
 Delta Bell


Tuesday 5th August

Erland & The Carnival
Melting Vinyl Presents a night of interesting music that could only be made when a famous multi-instrumentalist (Simon Tong) who formerly played with The Verve and Gorillaz met folk singer-songwriter Gawain Erland Cooper and drummer/engineer David Nock. With support from Benedict Rubinstein.
7:30pm, £6 advance/ £8 on the door
Prince Albert - 48 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4ED

Mickey's Girl + Support
Mickey's Girl take their self-driven inspiration from bands such as Faith No More, Therapy?, The Wildhearts, The Manic Street Preachers and a bunch of other gritty indie bands. The end result being an eclectic, diverse and exciting new sound.
7:30pm, £3 adv/£5 otd 
The Hope - 11 Queens Road, BN1 3WA

Wednesday 6th August

House of Hats & WATP
A fantastic double-bill featuring the upbeat genre-chameleons Will and the People and local folk outfit House of Hats, just back from their first US tour with their smooth vocal harmonies and tender songs that are sure to capture your heart.
7:30pm, £10 online (Selling fast!)
Komedia - 44-47 Gardner Street, BN1 1UN

Thursday 7th August

Simon Evans: Leashed
Like most men of his age and delusion, Simon Evans dreams of striking out into The Wild and slipping the surly bonds of suburbia. He remembers, inaccurately, a youth spent drifting like a Home Counties Kerouac through the great European arterial transport thoroughfares, sharing his "Never-less-than-hilarious view of the world"(The Guardian).
8pm, £10 (profits to charity)
T.O.M - 11a Upper Market Street, BN3 1AS



Brighton Band Feature in London Photography Exhibit  About Rudeboy Culture


Brighton has long been thought of as being a cultural city, nurturing a wide variety of styles and subcultures, but now the proof has been caught on camera for all to see as two local musicians represent the south coast in what GQ calls "London's most stylish new exhibition".
A portrait of Ned Archibong and Nicholson Davids from Brighton-based hip-hop/soul group Normanton Street features as part of a new exhibition by photographer and film maker Dean Chalkley and Creative Director Harris Elliot at Somerset House in London.
'Return Of the Rudeboy' showcases a sartorial subculture through a series of portraits, installations and set pieces. Comprised of over 60 sharply dressed individuals from across the UK, all of whom embody the essence of what it is to be a Rudeboy in the 21st century, the exhibition documents the life, style and attitude of this growing urban group. The exhibition runs until 25th August. Free admission.

My review of her 'Leaving Home Party' show
A local singer-songwriter's stunning debut EP release.

For more reviews, interviews and music features, check out or follow me on twitter @tomsayeruk for updates.