Thursday, 13 March 2014

High Masts

Have been in bed all day, feeling pretty under the weather when I picked up my notepad and wrote a poem. I then got my guitar to figure out some chords and set it to music. Here is the result...

High Masts.

Sharing our breaths with the trees
I took out the map but you tore it to pieces
You said we must make our own path
Surrender ourselves to the lay of the land

And in years we will find
That our lives had untwined
And we're reduced to a few lines a year
But the shadows we cast
In the moon, our high masts
Are sailless, unmoved by the breeze

The tickling rain trickled down
Old street signs weathered like sand
We waited outside, like a groom and his bride
With processions of people around

And in years we will find
That our lives had untwined
And we're reduced to a few lines a year
But the shadows we cast
In the moon, our high masts
Are sailless, unmoved by the breeze

But the shadows we cast
In the moon, our high masts
Are sailless, unmoved by the breeze

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